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Kit installation

Supported items

Latest versions of OpenVMS templates :

Uppercase parameters denote variable items and must be replaced by actual values or omitted.

List of items:

Version Description
agent.hostname1.4 currently, same as system.hostname
agent.ping1.0Ping from the server
agent.version 1.0 Version of zabbix_agent
kernel.numlocks1.4Current number of locks
kernel.maxproc 1.0 Maximum number of processes on the server (ever)
logical.exists[LOGNAME, TABLENAME]1.4Check if LOGNAME exists in table TABLENAME default LNM$FILE_DEV
logical.value[LOGNAME, TABLENAME]1.4 Value of LOGNAME in table TABLENAME default LNM$FILE_DEV.
Returns an empty string if LOGNAME does not exist
net.service.exists(HOST, PORT)1.4 Check if the host HOST on port PORT is accessible from the agent.
Returns 1 if ok, 0 if not
system.hostname 1.0 currently returns SCSNODENAME
system.uname 1.0 Host information
system.boottime1.0Boot time
system.uptime 1.0 Host Uptime (in seconds)
system.localtime1.0Host local time
system.bufio 1.0 Host BUFIO
system.dirio1.0Host DIRIO
system.ijoblim 1.5 Limit for interactive jobs
system.cpu.load[,AVG]1.0 Total CPU load AVG in (avg1, avg5, avg15)
system.mem[memsize]1.2Memory size (in KB)
system.mem[page_size] 1.2 Page size (in Bytes)
system.mem[total_pages]1.2Total number of pages on the system
system.mem[contig_gblpages] 1.4 Current number of contiguous global pages
system.mem[free_gblpages]1.2Free global pages
system.mem[used_gblpagcnt] 1.2 used global pages
system.mem[used_gblpagmax]1.2 Max number of used global pages
system.mem[free_gblsects] 1.2Free global sections
system.mem[pagefile_page] 1.2 Number of pages in the page files
system.mem[pagefile_free]1.2Free pages in the page files
system.mem[swapfile_page] 1.2 Number of pages in the swap files
system.mem[swapfile_free]1.2Free pages in the swap files[MY_INTERFACE, bytes] 1.0 Incoming traffic on interface MY_INTERFACE
net.if.out[MY_INTERFACE, bytes]1.0Outgoing traffic on interface MY_INTERFACE
net.if.up[MY_INTERFACE] 1.4interface MY_INTERFACE is up
proc.num[,,run]1.0 Number of running processes (com+cur)
proc.num[,,max]1.0Max number of processes (idem kernel.maxproc)
proc.num[,,int] 1.0 Number of interactive processes
proc.num[,,batch]1.0Number of batch processes
proc.num[,,net] 1.0 Number of network processes
proc.num[,,outswapped]1.2Number of out swapped processes (como + hibo + lefo + suspo)
proc.num[,,MODE] 1.0 With MODE in (com, como, cur, hib, hibo, cef, lef, lefo, mwait, pfw, susp, suspo) any other value or no value for MODE.
Will return total number of processes
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, exists, NODENAME, USERNAME, IMAGNAME]1.0 Number of processes corresponding to the request. PROCESS_NAME (case blind) can contain wildcards. NODENAME : the node in the cluster where we try to find the process.
Can be * for cluster-wide lookup. Local node only if omitted. USERNAME : username that is running the process. Any username if omitted
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, imagname, NODENAME, USERNAME, IMAGNAME] 1.2 image name of the specified process
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME,nodename, NODENAME, USERNAME, IMAGNAME] 1.2 node name of the specified process
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME,username, NODENAME, USERNAME, IMAGNAME] 1.2 user name of the specified process
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, pid, NODENAME, USERNAME, IAMGNAME]1.2 pid of the specified process
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, prcnam, NODENAME, USERNAME, IMAGNAME]1.2 processname of the specified process
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, virtpeak, NODENAME, USERNAME, IMAGNAME] 1.2 virtpeak in KB
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, wsauth, NODENAME, USERNAME, IMAGNAME]1.2 wsauth in KB
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, wsauthext, NODENAME, USERNAME, IMAGNAME] 1.2 wsauthext in KB
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, wsextent, NODENAME, USERNAME,IMAGNAME]1.2 wsextent in KB
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, wspeak, NODENAME, USERNAME,IMAGNAME] 1.2 wspeak in KB
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, wsquota, NODENAME, USERNAME,IMAGNAME]1.2 wsquota in KB
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, wssize, NODENAME, USERNAME, IMAGNAME] 1.2 wssize in KB
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, biocnt, NODENAME, USERNAME,IMAGNAME]1.2.2 biocnt
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, biolm, NODENAME, USERNAME,IMAGNAME]1.2.2 biolm
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, diocnt, NODENAME, USERNAME,IMAGNAME]1.2.2 diocnt
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, diolm, NODENAME, USERNAME,IMAGNAME]1.2.2 diolm
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, bytcnt,NODENAME, USERNAME,IMAGNAME] 1.2.2 bytcnt
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, bytlm, NODENAME, USERNAME,IMAGNAME]1.2.2 bytlm
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, enqcnt, NODENAME, USERNAME,IMAGNAME]1.2.2 enqcnt
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, enqlm, NODENAME, USERNAME] 1.2.2 enqlm
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, filcnt, NODENAME, USERNAME]1.2.2 filcnt
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, fillm, NODENAME, USERNAME]1.2.2 fillm
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, prccnt, NODENAME, USERNAME]1.2.2 prccnt
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, prclm, NODENAME, USERNAME] 1.2.2 prclm
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, tqcnt, NODENAME, USERNAME] 1.2.2 tqcnt
proc_info[PROCESS_NAME, tqlm, NODENAME, USERNAME] 1.2.2 tqlm
device.errcnt[DEVICE]1.2 Error count for the DEVICE
vfs.fs.size[DISK,free] 1.0Free space on disk DISK
vfs.fs.size[DISK,total]1.0 Total capacity of disk DISK
vfs.fs.shdw[DISK,device_count] 1.1 Returns the total number of devices in the virtual unit, including devices being added as copy targets
vfs.fs.shdw[DISK,mbr_count] 1.1Returns the number of full source members in the virtual unit. Devices added as copy targets are not full source members.
vfs.file.exists[FILENAME]1.0 does FILENAME exists (can contain wildcards)
vfs.file.exists[FILENAME,number]1.0 number of existing FILENAME (can contain wildcards)
vfs.file.size[FILENAME] 1.0size of FILENAME (or sum of sizes if multiple files due to wildcards)
vfs.file.size[FILENAME,allocated] 1.0allocated size of FILENAME (or sum…)
queman.queue[QUEUE_NAME,on]1.2 node_name where QUEUE_NAME is running
queman.queue[QUEUE_NAME,jobs,JOB_STATUS] 1.2 Total number of jobs if JOB_STATUS is empty.
Number of jobs with this status if JOB_STATUS in (executing, pending, holding, retained, timed_release)
queman.queue[QUEUE_NAME,job_limit] 1.2job_limit for this queue
queman.queue[QUEUE_NAME,description]1.2 description of this queue
queman.queue[QUEUE_NAME,type]1.2 type of the queue (BATCH, GENERIC, TERMINAL, PRINTER, SERVER)
If there are multiple jobs named JOB_NAME, the status is the first status in this list for which there is at least a job.
Regarding QUEUE_NAME (same behaviour for all queman.job items).
If QUEUE_NAME is empty : look for the jobs in all the queues.
If QUEUE_NAME in (batch, symbiont, printer, server, terminal), look for jobs in queues of this kind.
If something else : it is considered as the name of the queue(s) where to look at for jobs.
Can have wildcards.
queman.job[JOB_NAME,count,QUEUE_NAME]1.2Total number of jobs named JOB_NAME
queman.job[JOB_NAME,executing,QUEUE_NAME]1.2Total number of executing jobs named JOB_NAME
queman.job[JOB_NAME,holding,QUEUE_NAME]1.2Total number of holding jobs named JOB_NAME
queman.job[JOB_NAME,pending,QUEUE_NAME]1.2Total number of pending jobs maned JOB_NAME
queman.job[JOB_NAME,retained,QUEUE_NAME]1.2Total number of retained jobs named JOB_NAME
queman.job[JOB_NAME,stalled,QUEUE_NAME]1.2Total number of stalled jobs names JOB_NAME
queman.job[JOB_NAME,starting,QUEUE_NAME]1.2Total number of starting jobs named JOB_NAME
queman.job[JOB_NAME,suspended,QUEUE_NAME]1.2Total number of suspended jobs named JOB_NAME
queman.job[JOB_NAME,timed_release,QUEUE_NAME]1.2Total number of timed released jobs named JOB_NAME
queman.job[JOB_NAME,aborting,QUEUE_NAME]1.2Total number of abortingjobs named JOB_NAME
queman.manager[status,QUEUE_MANAGER]1.2Status of queue manager (FAILOVER, RUNNING, START_PENDING, STARTING,STOPPING, STOPPED). If QUEUE_MANAGER is empty, it returns a result for the default queue manager.
Else, it gets result for the specified queue manager. QUEUE_MANAGER is the name of the queue manager
(see : '$ show queue/manager')
queman.manager[node_name,QUEUE_MANAGER]1.2node_name where QUEUE_MANAGER is running
queman.manager[nodes,QUEUE_MANAGER] 1.2 list of node names where QUEUE_MANAGER can run status of job JOB_NAME.

List of discovery items

Version Description
vms.disks.discovery [TYPE] 1.0 obsolete, type in (shad,noshad) default noshad
vms.if.discovery 1.0 obsolete
queman.que.discovery [] 1.0 obsolete
vms.generic.discovery [FILENAME] 1.4 loads json file : zabbix_local_dir:FILENAME.json

Template files Template_OS_OpenVMS.xml and Template_OS_OpenVMS_discovery.xml are provided.

How to use discovery rules and items prototypes

The item vms.generic.discovery allows to load a json file from the OpenVMS system to the zabbix server, using discovery rules, which can contain prototype items, triggers , graphs…

Example for the network devices


Content of the file


Example of item prototypes

Example of trigger prototypes

supporteditems.1518166051.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/09 09:47 by jfp