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supporteditems [2018/08/08 10:12] glsupporteditems [2020/02/04 12:31] (current) jfp
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 ^vfs.file.size[FILENAME,allocated]| 1.0|allocated size of FILENAME (or sum...)| ^vfs.file.size[FILENAME,allocated]| 1.0|allocated size of FILENAME (or sum...)|
 ^ queman.queue[QUEUE_NAME,on]|1.2| node_name where QUEUE_NAME is running| ^ queman.queue[QUEUE_NAME,on]|1.2| node_name where QUEUE_NAME is running|
-^queman.queue[QUEUE_NAME,jobs,JOB_STATUS]| 1.2| Total number of jobs if JOB_STATUS is empty. \\ Number of jobs with this status if JOB_STATUS in (executing, pending, holding, retained, timed_release) |+^queman.queue[QUEUE_NAME,jobs,JOB_STATUS]| 1.2| Total number of jobs if JOB_STATUS is empty. \\ Number of jobs with this status if JOB_STATUS in (executing, pending, holding, retained, retained_error, timed_release) |
 ^queman.queue[QUEUE_NAME,job_limit]| 1.2|job_limit for this queue| ^queman.queue[QUEUE_NAME,job_limit]| 1.2|job_limit for this queue|
 ^ queman.queue[QUEUE_NAME,description]|1.2| description of this queue| ^ queman.queue[QUEUE_NAME,description]|1.2| description of this queue|
supporteditems.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/04 12:31 by jfp